Friday, October 12, 2012

Write On Edge: Inside Joke Challenge

Red Writing Hood gives us 400 words this week to tell the back story or inside joke behind a bizarre hashtag: #secretpiefridge. 

Last week, I was not able to link up for the bought challenge as I did not have access to the internet. I wrote the challenge, just had no way of posting it. If you're so inclined, feel free to check it out. 

With the first issue of Precipice releasing at the end of this month, I'd like to tell another back-story, Sticky-Tagger and his sister Sellamina are pixies from the Sundial Clan and are featured in one of the stories. They were also main characters from last year's NaNoWriMo which is still unfinished.

I offer the following in response: Figerie Pie

Sticky-Tagger flew into their tree-house flushed and excited, cradling a bundle in his arms. “Sellamina! I got pie!”

Sellamina stirred in her nest of leaves, but said nothing. Instantly crestfallen, Sticky shuffled across their floor. His wings drooped, feeling ten times their normal weight. His sister still suffered from the effects of balinog poisoning. He was so sure that pie would somehow help.

“Sella? Did you hear, I have pie?” He held his breath, listening carefully for any response.

It was a long moment before her voice, weak from her illness, whispered into the room. “Yes, Sticky, I heard you.”

“Well?” He placed his bundle on the salvaged wooden spool which acted as their kitchen table. Peeling back the edge of the towel, he inhaled the sharp aroma of unfamiliar spices. “Do you want some?”

Her golden eyes peered over her ledge at him, “That doesn’t smell like pie.”

“I watched the farmer lady make it. It’s definitely pie. Look! It’s got a crust and everything!”

The golden eyes narrowed. “Humans? You stole a tiny pie from humans? Sticky!”

He folded his arms. She never understood. “She had a – a whole flock of pies, in the chilly cupboard where she keeps vegemettles. She’s not going to miss this piece. You want some or not?”

“No.” Her eyes disappeared. “Stay away from humans. They’re dangerous.”

A tear streaked across his cheek. He didn’t believe humans were as dangerous as their cats. Pesky things, cats are. “I thought it would make you feel better.”

“I have balinog poisoning, Sticky. I’m not going to get better overnight.”

“But it’s special pie.” His mouth watered while his stomach begged for a small bite. It took all his self-control not to eat the whole pie before he got home. “The farmer lady hid it behind the vegemettles in the chilly cupboard. It’s secret pie.”

“The humans call the chilly cupboards figeries, don’t they.” Her beautiful golden eyes were back, though she still didn’t look as interested as he thought she should.

He nodded. He really wanted to eat, but he wanted his sister to get better. “And this is magic pie from the secret pie figerie.”

“If it’s a secret pie figerie, what’s it doing with the vegemettles?” she challenged.

“It’s made from punkins.”

She leaned out from her loft, lips smacking together, “Punkins?”

He grinned and flew a crumb to her waiting hands.


  1. This was delightful! I love how the fairies (pixies?) muddle up the human language. Makes it sound SO much more magical than how WE say it ;)

    1. Thanks! It's the best part of pixies, they have a sweetness all their own. Very serious in their childlikeness. And super fun to write.

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts!

  2. What playful world you've created! I love their hodge-podge words - makes for some entertaining reading! Visiting from WOE.

    1. Thanks! Vegemettles are meddlesome. Always in the way of the pie, at least in my figerie.

      Well, it made sense at the time...

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts!

  3. Delightful indeed. I enjoyed the use of language, with the halfway made up words, and it is obvious that the two care for each othet, even if they are easily distracted by pie...

    1. Thanks! I latched onto the Peter Pan description that pixies only have room in their heads for one thought at a time. So obsession with pie? Perfect.

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts!

  4. This was so charming and sad that I was delighted to read a happy ending. I have to agree that pumpkin pie is totally worth rallying for.

    1. Thanks! Pumpkin pie is probably the world's most perfect food. It fixes illnesses of the heart.

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts!

  5. Awwww! Love the sentiment of siblings who love each other. So sweet. I was holding my breath for a while, wondering if it was pie at all. I also am glad for the happy ending!

    1. Thanks! I think there's a rule somewhere, you can't have a pixie story without a happy ending.

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts!

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks! This would make a cute storybook. Great idea!

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts!

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks! I agree, there's a wonderful childlike innocence to these siblings. I'll have to give it some serious thought.

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts!

  8. What a wonderful teaser! At least that is what it feels like since I am new to your blog but I will be going to look at more of your work soon! Thank you!

    1. Thanks! I'm pleased you enjoyed your stay.

      It is a teaser of sorts. Sticky and Sellamina will be in another story in Precipice, releasing at the end of this month. They're destined to make it back here someday.

      Again, I'm happy you visited. I look forward to seeing you around. You're welcome here anytime. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts!

  9. Aw... I was a fan of wee Sticky already, but now?

    So cute!

    1. Thanks! Sticky would love that he has a fan. I love that Sticky has a fan!

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts!
